A Strong Work Ethic Meets Jeans

Many job candidates are intrigued by MCC because we do not conform to the traditional law firm culture, found elsewhere, of strictly defined rules and a conventional divide between lawyers and non-lawyers. Our collaborative work culture has its roots in our own startup beginnings, when everyone’s contribution was crucial to our success. At MCC, our team orientation contributes to a culture where we recognize and celebrate our differences, understanding that there is no cookie-cutter model for success or life.


What Sets Us Apart

While our team members work hard, we stress the importance of achieving a healthy work-life balance for everyone in the firm, where professional success is built on proper care and attention to personal and family needs.


Our Culture

Our work environment is driven by our clients’ needs, and not by pre-defined work roles. From our lawyers to our advisors to our administrative professionals, each person is encouraged to take on bigger tasks that she or he may never have taken on before. The result? Better service for our clients, personal well-being and professional satisfaction for our team members, and a desire to bring this positive vibe to the communities around us.