
Galit Levitin has over 15 years research experience in the chemistry and chemical engineering fields. Her background encompasses such diverse roles as a member of a managing team at an early-stage microelectronic company focused on developing core optical technology for Optical Broadband Communications, Research Scientist at Georgia Tech, and co-founder and Board Member of the Green Chamber of the South.

Galit has experience drafting and prosecuting patent applications for clients, including start-ups, universities, and multi-national corporations, in the technology areas of petrochemicals, chemical methods, chemical analysis, cellulose recovery, polymers, catalysts, nanotechnology, solar device manufacturing, flexible electronics, textile, batteries, carbonaceous materials, glass manufacturing, renewable energy, cosmetics, and plastics.

Galit has more than 30 scientific publications, including patent applications and granted patents, scientific papers, conference papers, and invited review chapters.

Galit is fluent in Hebrew and Russian.


Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, B.S., Chemistry

Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, M.S., Analytical Chemistry

Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, PhD, Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry


  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office